
MT20 product banner


MT20 is the temperature probe for using with Netsense box. This probe uses digital sensor with high accuracy, fully calibrated from the sensor’s factory. The housing is carefully designed to prevent dirt and water from entering while still providing exceptional sensitivity. The probe uses digital output signal to communicate with Netsense box, so the temperature value will not be changed by the cable length and environment noise.

By using this probe with Netsense box, the temperature value can be monitored and stored in our server. Moreover, alert notification can be set in web based application on


  • Use with the Netsense box for temperature monitoring


  • Fully calibrated digital output
  • Measure temperature from -55 C. to +125 C.
  • Accuracy: +-0.5% from -10 C. to + 85 C.
  • Resolution: 0.1 C. step
  • Easy to connect with Netsense box using 3-pin connector
  • Alternative RJ9 connector model can be ordered


  • Temperature range: -55 C. to +125 C.
  • Accuracy: +-0.5% from -10 C. to + 85 C.
  • Resolution: 0.1 C. step
  • Connector: 3-pin, or RJ9
  • Cable length: standard 1.5 m

MT20 connection

How to connect with Netsense box.

MT20 diagram

Photo gallery

  • Front view, side view
MT20-perspective Netsense-and-probe Probe-head
